I'm always taking pictures. Check them out here.
November I am looking for an MSc student to help study Muskox in the Northwest Territories. Applications due Nov 15.
July I am hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow to forecast boreal caribou response to cumulative effects. See add here.
April Check out the newly generated Canadian Ecological Forecasting Initiative - Canadians performing ecological predictions
April Happy to share a piece I wrote for Nature Alberta Magazine; Mammals on the Beaver Hills Biosphere.
March Is your graduate research on hold due to COVID-19? Get in touch - we have camera trap data you may use.
March Our research is getting out there! Our Scientific Reports piece is one of the top 100 downloads for 2019.
January Kicking the year off strong after a relaxing holiday; paper accepted on boreal caribou and commutative effects.
July I am hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow to forecast boreal caribou response to cumulative effects. See add here.
April Check out the newly generated Canadian Ecological Forecasting Initiative - Canadians performing ecological predictions
April Happy to share a piece I wrote for Nature Alberta Magazine; Mammals on the Beaver Hills Biosphere.
March Is your graduate research on hold due to COVID-19? Get in touch - we have camera trap data you may use.
March Our research is getting out there! Our Scientific Reports piece is one of the top 100 downloads for 2019.
January Kicking the year off strong after a relaxing holiday; paper accepted on boreal caribou and commutative effects.
November And that's a wrap! All papers from my PhD thesis are now published. Check out the last one here; Natural landscape features predict mammal biodiversity better than protected areas across a working landscape.
September Phew! The final paper from my PhD has just been accepted in Biological Conservation. More news soon.
July Check out @PredictiveEcology - we are leading the development of integrated, and open access, ecological forecasting
May Getting published is always rewarding, but on this one, I'm most proud of the title.
February I'm now both an Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria School of Environmental Studies, and Associate Editor at Ecology & Evolution
September Phew! The final paper from my PhD has just been accepted in Biological Conservation. More news soon.
July Check out @PredictiveEcology - we are leading the development of integrated, and open access, ecological forecasting
May Getting published is always rewarding, but on this one, I'm most proud of the title.
February I'm now both an Adjunct Professor at the University of Victoria School of Environmental Studies, and Associate Editor at Ecology & Evolution
October The latest Moraine Mesocarnivore Project report (2017/2018) is now available here
September I am excited to be starting a new postdoctoral position at Natural Resources Canada
July Thank you to the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution for a conference presentation award
July NEW PUBLICATION: Comparing camera trap spatial count models to genetic capture-recapture models
June With my PhD convocated, I've started a MITACS Postdoctoral position at the University of Victoria
April I successfully defend my PhD thesis!
March My PhD Thesis is submitted to the University of Victoria, and I am preparing for defence
February Our new publication investigating assumptions in species occurrence data is now out
February I presented a summary of my PhD research to the UVic School of Environmental Studies
February A fantastic write-up by Niki Wilson on our fisher reintroduction work is now available at BioScience
February Niki Wilson's piece featuring our wolverine behaviour work is nominated for an Alberta Magazine Award
September I am excited to be starting a new postdoctoral position at Natural Resources Canada
July Thank you to the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution for a conference presentation award
July NEW PUBLICATION: Comparing camera trap spatial count models to genetic capture-recapture models
June With my PhD convocated, I've started a MITACS Postdoctoral position at the University of Victoria
April I successfully defend my PhD thesis!
March My PhD Thesis is submitted to the University of Victoria, and I am preparing for defence
February Our new publication investigating assumptions in species occurrence data is now out
February I presented a summary of my PhD research to the UVic School of Environmental Studies
February A fantastic write-up by Niki Wilson on our fisher reintroduction work is now available at BioScience
February Niki Wilson's piece featuring our wolverine behaviour work is nominated for an Alberta Magazine Award
2017 |
November I'm honoured to receive an OEM Scholarship from the Canadian Wildlife Federation
October The Edmonton Area Land Trust features our fisher research on their blog here
September My first PhD publication is now online, and won best student presentation at TWS
August My PhD work was featured at both the Alberta Trappers Magazine and NCC blog here
April Fisher kit photos are now on the Moraine Mesocarnivore Project website. Check it out!
March One more publication out of my MSc, online here PDF
February I received the prize for best presentation at the 2017 Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference
2016 |
October I submitted the first research paper for publication from my PhD thesis.
September School is in, data collection complete. Let's publish some papers.
February 1st carnivore publication out the door: Wolverine behaviour varies with human footprint
2015 |