26) using global remote camera data of a solitary species complex to evaluate the drivers of group formation. 2024. twining, j.p., c. sutherland, [+ 32 co-authors], f.e.c. stewart, j.t. fisher, a.k. fuller, k.a. perkins, r.a. powell. proceedings of the national academy of sciences .PDF.
25) climate-sensitive forecasts of marked short-term and long-term changes in the distribution or abundances of northwestern boreal landbirds. 2024. raymundo, a., t. micheletti, s. hache, d. stralberg, f.e.c. stewart, j. tremblay, c. barros, i. eddy, a. chubaty, m. leblond, c.l. mahon, s.l. van wilgenburg, e. bayne, f. schmiegelow, t. docherty, e.j.b. mcintire, s.g. cumming. climate change ecology. ACCEPTED.
24) a flexible framework for spatial capture-recapture with unknown identities. 2024. van dam bates, P., M. papathomas, B. stevensen, r.m. Fewster, D. turek, f.e.c. stewart, d. borchers . biometrics. doi: 10.1093/biomtc. PDF
23) HOW landscape traits affect boreal mammal responses to anthropogenic disturbance. 2024. barnas, a., a. ladle, j. burgar, a.c. burton, m. boyce, l. eliuk, f. grey, n. heim, j. paczkowski, f.e.c. stewart, e. tattersal, j.t. fisher. science of the total environment. accepted.
21) mammalian predator and prey responses to recreation and land uses across multiple scales provide limited support for the human shield hypothesis. 2023. Granados, A., C. Sun, J.T. Fisher, A. ladle, K. dawe, c. beirne, m.s. boyce, e. chow, n. heim, m. fennell, j. klees van bommel, r. naidoo, m. procko, f.e.c. stewart, a.c. burton. ecology and evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10464. PDF
20) will this umbrella leak? a caribou umbrella index for boreal landbird conservation. 2023. Micheletti, T., S. hache, d. stralberg, F.E.C. STEWART, a.m. chubaty, c. barros, e.m. bayne et al. conservation science and practice. doi: 10.1111/csp2.12908. PDF
19) Climate-informed forecasts reveal dramatic local habitat shifts and population uncertainty for northern boreal caribou. 2023. Stewart, F.E.C.*, T. Micheletti*, S.G. Cumming, C. Barros, A.M. Chubaty, I. Eddy, S. Hache, J. Hodson, J. Hughes, C.A. Johnson, M. Leblond, f.k.a. schmiegelow, j.a. tremblay, e.j.b. mcintire. ecological applications. doi: 10.1002/eap.2816 PDF *EQUAL FIRST AUTHORS 18) Evaluating expert-based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS-tracking data. 2022. Broekman, M.J.B., [69 others], F.E.C. Stewart, [10 others], M.A. Tucker. Global ecology and biogeography. doi: 10.1111/geb.13523 PDF
17) PERFICT: A re-imagined foundation for predictive ecology. 2022. Mcintire, E.J.B., a.m. chubaty, s.G. cumming, c. barros, c. boisvenue, i. eddy, t. micheletti, and f.e.c. stewart. ecology letters. doi: 10.1111.ele.13994.pdf
16) Assessing pathways of climate change effects in SpaDES: an application to boreal landbirds of the northwest territories canada. 2021. Micheletti, T., F.E.C. Stewart, S.G. Cumming, d. stralberg, j.a. tremblay, c. barros, i. eddy, a.m. chubaty, m. leblond, r.f. pankratz, c.l. mahon, s.l. van wilgenburg, e.m. bayne, f.k.a. schmiegelow, and e.j.b. mcintire. frontiers in ecology and evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.679673 PDF.
15) Caribou can coexist with natural, but not industrial disturbance. 2020. STEWART, F.E.C, J. Nowak, T. Micheletti, E.J.B. McIntire, F.K.A. Schmiegelow, and S.G. Cumming. TheJournal of Wildlife Management. doi: 10.1002/jwmg/21937. PDF. ** TOP CITED ARTICLE OF 2021**
14) Cumulative effects and boreal caribou: How Bow-tie risk analysis addresses a critical issue in Canada's forested landscapes. 2020. Winder, R., F.E.C. Stewart, E.J.B. McIntire, A. Dyk, and K. Omendja, g. Thandi. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00001. PDF.
13) Protected areas alone rarely predict mammal biodiversity across spatial scales in an Albertan working landscape. 2019. STEWART, F.E.C, J.P. Volpe, B.R. Eaton, G.A. Hood, D. Vujnovic, and J.T. Fisher. Biological Conservation. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108252. PDF.
12) Corridors best facilitate functional connectivity across a protected area network. 2019. STEWART, F.E.C, S. Darlington, J.P. Volpe, M. McAdie, and J.T. Fisher. Scientific Reports. doi 10.1038/s41598-019-47067-x. PDF. ** Top 100 downloaded ecology articles in Scientific Reports in 2019**
11) The debate about bait: a red herring in wildlife research. 2019. STEWART, F.E.C, J.P. Volpe, and J.T. Fisher. The Journal of Wildlife Management. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21657
10) Estimating density for species conservation: Comparing camera trap spatial count models to genetic spatial capture-recapture models. 2018. Burgar, J. M., F.E.C. Stewart, J.P. Volpe, J.T. Fisher, and A.C. Burton.Global Ecology and Conservation 10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00411. PDF
9) Species occurrence data reflect the magnitude of animal movements better than the proximity of animal space use. 2018. Stewart, F.E.C., J.T. Fisher, A.C. Burton, and J.P. Volpe. 2018. Ecosphere 10.1002/ecs2.2112. PDF
8) Distinguishing reintroduction from recolonization with genetic testing. 2017. Stewart, F.E.C., J.P. Volpe, J.S. Taylor, J. Bowman, P. Thomas, M. Pybus, and J.T. Fisher. Biological Conservation 214:242-249. PDF
7) Wild Peromyscus adjust maternal nest-building behavior in response to ambient temperature. 2017. Stewart, F.E.C. and A.G. McAdam. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95:411-415. PDF 6) Wolverine behaviour varies spatially with anthropogenic footprint: implications for conservation and inferences about declines. 2016. Stewart, F.E.C*., N.A. Heim*, A.P. Clevenger, J. Paczkowski, J.P. Volpe, and J.T. Fisher. Ecology & Evolution 6(5):1492-1590PDF *equal first authors 5)Seasonal adjustment of sex ratio and offspring masculinity by female deer mice is inconsistent with local resource competition. 2014. Stewart, F.E.C., R.J. Brooks, and A.G. McAdam. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 16:153-164.
4)Seasonal plasticity of maternal behaviour in Peromyscus maniculatus. 2014. Stewart, F.E.C and A.G. McAdam. Behaviour. 151:1641-1662.
3) Suspected selective herbivory of bioenergy grasses by meadow voles (Mictorus pennsylvanicus). 2013. Hager, H.A. and F.E.C. Stewart. Canadian Field Naturalists 127(1):44-49.
2)North American deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, consuming a parasitizing botfly larvae, Diptera: Cuterbridae. 2011.Stewart, F.E.C.Canadian Field Naturalist 125(1):65-66.
1) The effects of water velocity and morphology on the photosynthetic rate of aquatic macrophytes Vallisneria americana and V. spiralis. 2009.STEWART, F.E.C. and J.D. Ackerman. Studies by Undergraduate Researchers at Guelph 2(2):18-27.
Theses: STEWART, F.E.C. Understanding and sampling spatial ecological process for biodiversity conservation in heterogeneous landscapes. 2018. University of Victoria. PhD Dissertation. PDF.
STEWART, F.E.C. Plasticity of maternal care and seasonal manipulation of masculinity in Peromyscus maniculatus. 2012. University of Guelph. MSc Thesis. PDF.
STEWART, F.E.C. The effects of water velocity and morphology on the photosynthetic rate of aquatic macrophytes Vallisneria americana and V. spiralis. 2009. University of Guelph. BScH Thesis. PDF.